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Honouring Our Frontline Heroes

Watch the latest films featuring the stories of our frontline heroes!

As we live in the midst of a global pandemic, the Honour Film Initiative shines the spotlight on the good work of all our frontline heroes who selflessly toil away to keep us safe and healthy.

From April to June, we have had more than 1.8 million online views for our latest films on frontline heroes, along with hundreds of tributes and expressions of appreciation and gratitude coming in.

Do help us share these films to spread the virtue of looking out for others!


Unseen and unheard, yet unrelenting.

Just Like Dad

She follows in his footsteps.

Away From Home, Still

Circuit breaker may be over for you, but not for him

Away From Home on Mother’s Day

Who worries most when you are away from home?

Away From Home

From the frontlines of a pandemic

Waiting For The End

What do we do –– other than waiting for this to end?

Before It Began

This is what it's like to be alone, together.

Beyond Borders

What a cleaner may not tell you...

Where’s Mummy?

Honouring those on the frontline

The #GoodKindSG Challenge

What is #GoodKindSG?

#GoodKindSG is a new initiative focused on “Doing something good & kind, today”. It seeks to appreciate and recognise acts of goodness and kindness, with the support of Singapore Kindness Movement.

It is a call to action (“Do something good & kind”) with urgency (“today”). Doing good and being kind requires thinking of others and thinking of the value of anything we do. They are acts of Honour.

Our goal is to encourage everyone to do whatever they can to do good and be kind. Let goodness and kindness increasingly be the way we treat each other — not just with people that we know, but also with people we run into in our daily lives, be they neighbours, fellow commuters or migrant workers.

Let’s encourage and inspire one another, and together release a viral wave of goodness and kindness in SG!

Think of something good & kind you can do for someone

When you do, see or experience an act of goodness and kindness, share about it on social media and tag @goodkindsg or use the hashtag #goodkindsg

Alternatively, you can email your story to us at and we will get it posted @goodkindsg

Thanks for Doing Good!

We commend these acts of goodness and kindness.

Razer Inc.

Homegrown gaming firm, Razer Inc, and other sponsors, are giving out five free #RazerForLife surgical masks to every adult Singapore resident (aged 16 years and above) through a network of vending machines across the island. #RazerForLife masks are certified to international standards and proudly made in Singapore on a fully automated mask production line. You may claim one free mask monthly from May to November. For more information, visit


A local manufacturing company, Eco-Sam, along with many other organisations, are helping vulnerable groups of people who are especially affected by Covid-19. Eco-Sam has produced and donated hand sanitizers to needy households in Singapore, various hospices, special needs centre and senior centre.

Again, we commend such charitable acts and looking out for each other. We want to see these good and kind acts – which are all acts of honour – become the norm in these days of high social and emotional stress with Covid-19.

Leadership in Times of Crisis

A webinar with Mr Lim Siong Guan

“When the tide goes out, you will know who has been swimming naked”.

A crisis will reveal the calibre of a leader. Leaders today are faced with a black swan event of global proportions — a situation of the unknown unknowns with an uncertain and unpredictable future. Knowing what to change and what not to change is where smart leaders distinguish themselves.

In this Leadership Dialogue webinar hosted by the stars foundation, Mr Lim Siong Guan talks about lessons learned from his personal leadership experience, and how he sees the role of leaders changing in the future.

The way to prepare for the unknown unknowns is to foster a culture that makes for survivability and sustainability. Honour is a critical part of a winning culture.

Key take-aways include:

  • What leadership is all about: Think people, think future, think excellence
  • What a good leader should constantly ask himself
  • The best leaders have helicopter qualities: the ability to see both the big picture and the small detail
  • Future success depends on having IQ, EQ and LQ (Jack Ma, Alibaba)
  • Dealing with “unknown unknowns” (black swans)
  • Financial statements reflect the past; culture creates the future (Prof. Dr. Rosabeth Kanter, HBS)
  • It takes a long time to build culture, so you’d better start working on it yesterday
  • Effective results = good ideas x good implementation
  • Don’t ever assume that you have all the ideas just because you are the leader
  • Inflection power = knowledge power x position power (Andrew Grove, Intel)
  • His personal motivation to be a leader