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Honor (Singapore)


Be a better DAD today… be a better MAN today

In the book "Be A Better Dad Today!" by Gregory W. Slayton, he quoted a conversation he had with President George W. Bush, previous president of the United States of America. It is a story of family members honouring each other - husbands honouring wives, wives honouring husbands, children honouring parents and parents honouring children through their love, instruction, care and comfort. Slayton wrote the story under the heading "A Story from the White House", as follows: "I have been privileged to know a number of U.S. Presidents personally - some better than others.  And no matter what you thought…
Honour Singapore
October 9, 2015

Say SG!

The National Day Parade on 9 August 1965 was a grand celebration. Red and white dominated the whole Padang and the sense of pride was palpable.  While no one used the word, it was very much an occasion to Honour Singapore and take pride in what had been achieved over 50 years:  we have an armed forces that is respected for its capability and professionalism racial and religious harmony in a society that Pew Research just a few months back had found to be the most religiously diverse country in the world an economy based on a well-tested tripartism of workers, employers…
Honour Singapore
August 16, 2015

‘Non-Zero Sum’ Mindset for Religious Harmony

By Mohammad Alami Musa Synopsis Religious harmony built on scant knowledge and a non-inclusive attitude of the “Religious Other” will not endure the severe tests on interreligious relations in a world replete with religious-linked conflicts. A non-zero sum mind-set can develop sustainable religious peace. Commentary THERE MAY be very few countries, perhaps none, that have enjoyed religious harmony for such a long period as Singapore. Fifty years had passed since its independence and Singapore is still an oasis of harmony in a world of violent conflicts perpetuated by actors who use religious narratives to justify their actions. Critics of Singapore’s…
Honour Singapore
August 13, 2015

Happy National Day… Honour Singapore!

SG50! We celebrate 50 years of independence today…it is our Golden Jubilee! Congratulations, People of Singapore, for 50 years of national freedom, independence, and sovereignty! 50 years in which Singapore has moved decisively, in GDP terms, from Third World to First World.  50 years in which we have experienced peace and security, while reading every day about flare-ups, terrorist attacks, and wars in many places of the world. 50 years in which we have enjoyed freedom from natural calamities such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and tsunamis. These have been 50 years of being the master of our own destiny.  We had…
Honour Singapore
August 9, 2015

Youth is a mindset, not a time of life!

Today, our youth in Singapore got a break from school and celebrated “Youth Day”. While we honour the youth in our nation on this day, let us also remind ourselves of Samuel Ullman’s poem “Youth”, in which he writes that: “Youth is not a time of life – it is a state of mind”. So often in our society, we hear people use their age as an excuse for not pursuing their potential: “I’m too old to do this”, “I’m already an Uncle/ Aunty”, etc. But it is almost always not the truth; it is a perception that limits one’s potential and reduces…
Honour Singapore
July 27, 2015


GIC group president and former civil service head Lim Siong Guan spoke on honour, wealth, leadership and Mr Lee Kuan Yew's legacy at a Business Times conference last Tuesday. Here are edited excerpts of his speech that were published in The Straits Times on 6 April 2015.  OFTEN when visitors come to Singapore, they are briefed on the Housing Board, the Central Provident Fund, the Urban Redevelopment Authority, the education system, the health system and so on. While these are critical factors, I believe there is a deeper cultural reason to explain Singapore's success since independence. The explanation lies in…
Honour Singapore
April 6, 2015


Honour (Singapore) joins Singaporeans in honouring our founding Prime Minister, Mr Lee Kuan Yew, who passed away early this morning.  If we look at an atlas of the world, Singapore, the country, fits quite nicely into the letter “o” in its name.  Indeed, in most atlases, they have to make a point of enlarging the dot so that Singapore may be pointed out. That is how small Singapore is. When Singapore became, rather unexpectedly, independent in August 1965, it had to find its own way into the future: the dream of a common market in Malaysia was broken, and Indonesia was…
Honour Singapore
March 23, 2015

How can we lubricate our social interactions and make city life more agreeable?

Observation in a Japanese airport:  A limousine driver met a visitor in the Arrival Hall, carried his luggage, brought him to the car park, and asked him to wait while he went to get the car. Amazingly, the driver began to run to the limousine, not walk, or even just walk fast. This is the driver honouring the customer so that the visitor does not have to wait a minute longer than he needs to! Observation on a Japanese road:  Two men were cutting grass - one with a rotary grass cutter, and the other holding a screen that he moved along…
Honour Singapore
November 24, 2014


I visited the 9/11 Memorial, officially called the National September 11 Memorial, in New York City last week. The Memorial commemorates the attacks on the World Trade Centre in New York City and the Pentagon in Washington D.C. by way of three hijacked commercial airplanes, plus a fourth hijacked plane which crashed in Pennsylvania, all of which happened on 11 September 2001. The attacks on the World Trade Centre resulted in the total collapse of both the Twin Towers, the burning upper floors simply falling one on the other all the down to "Ground Zero", a frightening, unbelievable event.  The…
Honour Singapore
October 31, 2014

Like. Love. Honour.

It is good that there be criticism of what we do from time to time, as that makes us think of how we can express our ideas better, correct our mistakes, and improve as we go. In this regard we acknowledge the comments that have been made against our last blog, where we shared our thought on how we can honour others in a simple practice of keeping to the left when we use escalators so that those who wish to move faster could freely move on the right.  The comments basically make the point that this is a matter…
Honour Singapore
October 16, 2014