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October 2014



I visited the 9/11 Memorial, officially called the National September 11 Memorial, in New York City last week. The Memorial commemorates the attacks on the World Trade Centre in New York City and the Pentagon in Washington D.C. by way of three hijacked commercial airplanes, plus a fourth hijacked plane which crashed in Pennsylvania, all of which happened on 11 September 2001. The attacks on the World Trade Centre resulted in the total collapse of both the Twin Towers, the burning upper floors simply falling one on the other all the down to "Ground Zero", a frightening, unbelievable event.  The…
Honour Singapore
October 31, 2014

Honour at the Singapore Art Museum

I visited the Singapore Art Museum last week. The exhibits were wonderfully interesting, an experience not just for the eye but for all the senses, although I did need the stories and explanations of the guides (the docents) to understand and appreciate many of the exhibits. I am certainly not an art person myself, but in life all new experiences add up. The Singapore Art Museum was previously Saint Joseph's Institution (SJI), a well-known school for boys with a clear tradition for producing leaders, people with heart. One docent recalled the beautiful story of an SJI staff member who was…
Honour Singapore
October 24, 2014

Like. Love. Honour.

It is good that there be criticism of what we do from time to time, as that makes us think of how we can express our ideas better, correct our mistakes, and improve as we go. In this regard we acknowledge the comments that have been made against our last blog, where we shared our thought on how we can honour others in a simple practice of keeping to the left when we use escalators so that those who wish to move faster could freely move on the right.  The comments basically make the point that this is a matter…
Honour Singapore
October 16, 2014


A friend told me about his recent experience climbing the Sydney Harbour Bridge, the iconic symbol of Sydney. Climbers have to be led in groups with experienced guides. My friend told me that after the climbers got back to the ground, the guide handed them wet towels that all the climbers were grateful for to wipe off their sweat. But, amazingly, the Japanese who had joined their group began to wipe the equipment they were given to help in the climb – they were cleaning the equipment in consideration of the next group of climbers who would use the equipment. This…
Honour Singapore
October 10, 2014

How to get your dream job

Someone was thinking of switching jobs to an appointment that he reckoned would be more enjoyable and motivating. As he imagined how much he would enjoy the new job, he was giving little attention to his current job. The effort and attention was not there. He decided that since he did not like his current job, he need not put his effort into it. Fortunately for him, a wise mentor came along his way and remarked, “If you are not giving your all to your current job, you would not succeed in your dream job.” Basically the mentor was saying…
Honour Singapore
October 3, 2014